W-9: “In and Around Water” by Sandra McClelland Lewin

Award -winning artist Sandra McClelland Lewin announced today that her colorful series “In and Around Water” opens on September 5 at the Workhouse Arts Center Arches Gallery in Lorton, Virginia. Sandra’s Featured Artist Show depicts a variety of life forms that exists in and around water. From the waterfowl flying above, to the marine life on the ocean’s floor, there’s abundant inspiration for the artist. Fanciful mermaids and the curvy tenacles of an octopus lure you to explore. Sandra Lewin is a representational artist who is known for her dynamic and detailed nature paintings. Regarding this exhibit, Sandra stated “Without water, life as we know it would not exist. And life exists wherever there is water. The fact that so much marine life can be depicted in shades of blue – my favorite color – just made this series even more fun to do.”