“Two’s for 2022” February 2022 Featured artist in Building W-6

Building W-6 is Featuring its Two’s for 20200 for February 2022: Joan Hutten, Ann Liddle, Terry Anstrom, Gwendolyn Bragg, Marisela Rumberg, and Nanette Catigbe. Reception will take place during this month’s Second Saturday Art Walk on Saturday, February 9-March 6, 2022 from 6pm – 9pm.
“Two’s for 2022” represents two pieces of artwork from each artist in building 6. The artwork will show various mediums, watercolor, acrylics, mixed medium, oils, pen and ink and fiber arts. We have several new artists as well as artists who have been at the Workhouse since 2008.
Joan Hutten has a lifelong interest in the visual arts. She earned a BA in Art and Art History and an MA in Art History, and has worked as a corporate art consultant, museum docent and art teacher. Since joining the Studio Fiber Arts group at the Workhouse in 2008, she has focused on creating fiber art and wearables. Joan’s work can also be seen at the Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria, VA.
Ann Liddle has a BS in math. She is mostly a self-taught artist, having taken a few classes and workshops. She grew up seeing and making art.
Terry Anstrom started painting watercolors in 2008 and is recognized for her work in the Potomac Valley Watercolorists, Virginia Watercolor Society (signature member), Springfield Art Guild, and as an Associate member of the American Watercolor Society.
Gwendolyn Bragg is an award winning watercolor artist, sought after teacher and workshop leader who works in transparent watercolor. She holds a BS in Art Education and a MFA in Painting and Drawing from James Madison University. Her work is a part of private collections in the USA and abroad as well as public collections at NIH, Philip Morris, and the Carrier Library of JMU. She has been awarded signature status in the National, Southern, Alabama (silver), Baltimore and Virginia Watercolor Societies. Her work has been published in Artist's Magazine, Elan, and The Artistic Touch Volumes 4, 5 and 6.
Born and raised in Mexico, Marisela Rumberg holds a degree in International Economics and is a certified Spanish-English interpreter and translator. Marisela’s early instincts in art were shaped by her chef and painter grandfather. Although her mother used to design her and her sister’s clothes, she didn’t become interested in fiber arts until she married and moved to the US. Marisela began taking a few quilting classes and then she really took flight - teaching herself free-motion-quilting and other art quilting techniques. Since joining the Workhouse Arts Center in 2015 and The Torpedo Factory Arts Center a year later, Marisela has become a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT25) and has developed her signature style of incorporating sophisticated fiber arts and mixed media techniques such as eco-printing, wet cyanotype, thread painting, fiber sculpting, abstract drawing and more recently abstract painting, into her work.
Nanette Catigbe is a very passionate self-taught artist with a good grasp on a variety of medium. Her choice of medium for every artwork depends on the mood and aura of the subject. Her connection with art started during early childhood painting her dogs and eventually doing portraits of friends later on. She finds inspiration in nature, the changing of seasons, the randomness of life, and reactions of people to different moments in their lives.