Monthly Featured Artists
Background image: Invitation to the Dance by Lynn Goldstein
The Workhouse Arts Center has more than 60 resident visual artists who occupy studios on campus, as well as a collective group of off-site artists who display their work in the Arches Gallery. Every month, in each building, the work of individual artists or a group of artists is featured in a special exhibition that runs for the entire month. During our Second Saturday art walks our featured artists (and many other studio artists!) are on campus to talk about their work and processes. And, if you love what you see, you can take it with you, as most art on campus is available for purchase!
Visit the Galleries and Exhibitions on Campus
Wednesday 11 AM – 6 PM
Thursday 11 AM – 6 PM
Friday 11 AM – 6 PM
Saturday 11 AM – 6 PM
Sunday Noon – 5 PM
“Group Dynamics” January 2022 Featured Artist in building W-5
Group Dynamics on view January 7 – February 6, 2022. The artists in building 5 celebrate the daily inspirations that arise from working amidst the creative community at the Workhouse Arts Center. Featured artists include Phoebe Peterson, Marni Maree and Lynn Goldstein.